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My favorite novels always include a tight friendship base. Women bouncing . Spiritual growth in this new age spirituality book comes through working with their prearranged soul .
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What is spiritual/new age fiction? Novels such as Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein, The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho, or Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield.
Inner Voices: The Awakening . "Inner Voices" a new age spiritual science fiction series. Welcome! These are the first three of a four book series of novels about the .
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Coelho's latest novel is a mix of New Age mysticism, personal enlightenment and modern . early age, she takes on the self-imposed name "Athena" and has an innate spiritual .
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Great new age novels, The Little Universe and Jim's Life, by Jason Matthews. Alien intelligence, psychic contact, reincarnation, healing with energy soul development and more.
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